Pediatrician in Murrieta
Dr. Jon Atiga, pediatrician, has been providing pediatric services in the Temecula Valley for over two decades, providing caring, quality healthcare to families just like yours, helping families manage children’s health and treating childhood diseases.
This website has been created to help answer questions that you may have about our practice and your family’s physical well-being.
It is our goal to provide the best care and information to our patients. Please use our website to find answers to most of your questions, and use the resources that we have provided to help you get your child from infancy to adolescence.
Our office is committed to meeting our patients’ essential needs by providing care via Telehealth when necessary. Please contact our office by phone or email and we will direct, advise or treat as allowed. We will also continue to schedule well exams to ensure that our patients are receiving their mandated vaccines. We want to assure you that our patients’ health and safety is our priority and that we will continue to operate to keep our families health needs met.
If you are having trouble reaching us by phone, please contact us through FB Messenger. Please leave your phone number and we will return your call. Just like many other offices, we are very short staffed. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Phone: (951) 304-7854

What Our Patients are Saying
“Love this place!! Even moving 20 miles away i continue to come here!!”
— Y, 3/14/17
“We love Dr. Atiga and Doctor Carrie and of course their staff their always willing to help and you know they care!❤️❤️❤️”
— M, 3/9/17